Here me out... orc clans beat qunai.
Let's try this again. Orcs from WOW vs qunari Thought came about after a debate about krogans (Mass effect) and Houks (star wars) in a war. No plot armor so anyone can die. May the best fighters win. The orcs face off against the qunai in a sugfest.
All versions of the qunai are current with the exception of the arishok, sven and iron hammer
All orc are current and the three clans being Frostwolf, Blackrock and Warsong. Grommash Hellscream, Thrall and Durotan are eligible for the fight (they can be brought back). There is no fel buff and Guldan does not exist in the timeline.
They will be fighting in a mountain range circle with a valley below.
Unlimited resources for both, magic is relative and effectively made the same.
I did check the qunai are actually must faster than the orcs and have better reflexes when both are compared to humans of their respective universes
They both use Dwarven class weaponry made specifically for their race. Both armies have healers, sharmmen and rangers (not elves)
No peace treaties and armies are fighting over the assassination of their respective over arching leader ( just pretend there's an orc counsel with one main dude that was x'ed) giving them the no surrender, no prisoners perc.
No scouts or gathering of extra info, both armies have a strong hold at either end of the mountain range
Each army is allowed one character that is not orc nor qunai to fight with them (e.g. whisperwind) from their own universe
Interclan politics count towards the war effort. Customs remain the same as well.
Any other stipulations I should make ?