Should I switch niche?

Ok so I started a store 5 months ago in the niche of hair products, I didnt know about picking a niche so I just saw a product was selling in it so I picked that niche, I have learned so much from this store but im not passionate about this niche i just feel a little lost becouse im not a consumer of the niche, I have made 300$ in revenue, the product that im selling right now is getting sold by like 10 different stores, I think my store looks and feels better than theyrs and my ads are simular to theyrs and I got 3 sales in 2 days so I thought that if I keep the ads live I can keep that up but now 10 days later no further sales, and now I dont know what would really push me forward becouse im not a consumer of the niche. Do you think I should open a new store in a niche that im passionate about or are people making money in a niche they dont consume?

Thank you.