DUNE graphic novel book 3 - no deluxe edition?
I was excited to see recently that the 3rd and final Graphic Novel for Dune will be released in July, and I was SO ready to throw my money at whatever retailer had the best deal on the Deluxe Collector’s Edition so I could complete my set with the previous 2.
However, I can’t seem to find any mention online of any such edition being made available for this final instalment which has confused the hell out of me, leaving me scratching my head as to why.
Would any of you lovely people who are more informed on such matters than I, have any information on this at all? Any rumblings/rumours as to why etc? It just seems a really strange move that the previous 2 would received the Collector’s Edition treatment, but the 3rd one in its series won’t.
Am I just being really thick here and not looking in the right places?!? Help me Obi-Wan Keno…oops. Wrong ip. Sorry!