Dying Light 2 is unplayable on PS4

If you're on last gen, and planning to get DL2, I advise you not to.

What do I mean by unplayable? is there game breaking bugs? no. but the amount of bugs/performance issues there will not let you enjoy the experience, not even slightly.

Sound issues

  • Sometimes you'll not hear anything but your footsteps, and Aiden's breathing. climbing, zombies screaming, zombies chasing you, literally any sound effect but those two, you won't hear.
  • the OST playing sometimes plays on forever, you'd be walking normally without anyone chasing you, and the chase OST would be playing, forever, until you go into a mission or restart.
  • Sound effect delay. for example: you hit some zombies, or get hit, nothing happens, but later you hear the sound of your hits or Aiden's voice when getting hit.

Performance issues

  • Textures not loading, takes too long to load
  • Noticed when getting into camps, sometimes all of the character models skin will be gray, without any facial details, takes a bit for them to load (Cyberpunk moment)
  • Sometimes when running around the city, the game freezes, you get a loading title in the middle of your screen for a few seconds, and then you go on
  • Too much film grain and motion blur. you get used to this later, but after seeing how the games runs on the new gen, you realize you're really playing a nowhere close version to that.


  • Dialogue not playing. either during cutscenes or talking over the radio. This had happened to me a lot, missed a lot of the story because of this issue, and a restart doesn't always seem to fix it, plus restarting takes ages, like a good 2-4 mins to load up the game. this usually combines with the first issue I've listed in the sound

These issues are really keeping me from enjoying the game. and they happen quite often, there are more things I didn't list because they don't happen as much and I could just get over, but those happened to the majority of my playthrough, which is by now almost 20 hours.

Btw most of these issues occur in Central Loop.

If there's anything I could describe about the PS4 version, is that it feels like an early alpha of the game, a good looking one, but performs terribly.

Anyone else having these issues on the last gen? I play on a slim PS4 btw. and please don't comment about how its a 10 year old hardware, this hardware can run RDR2, TLOU2, and many more hardware sucking games, and DL2 doesn't look that requiring tbh.

This is how I feel about the last gen version, and I'm really upset about how the devs didn't take more care of it.