Scared to use my Humidify+Cool PH03... keeps getting clogged

I bought the PH01 years ago and it was non-stop problems. I exchanged the machine multiple times and it turned into a PH03 along the way. During the last exchange, I was at the end of my warranty so they told me that they wouldn't do anymore exchanges. Now I am scared to use my PH03 as a humidifier because I feel that it will inevitably stop working again.

The main issue that I've been facing is that the Dyson will eventually stop pulling in water to the evaporator (it would be bone dry after running for hours). My guess is that there's mineral buildup inside that's clogging things up. In the past, I've tried doing multiple deep clean cycles. It would work for no more than a couple hours before getting stuck again.

Has anyone figured out a solution for this?