Attorney recommendations and profile review request.. [Cyber Security profile]

I recently got my EB2 NIW approved. Indian national, working at a Big4, now looking fwd to EB1A. Below are some of my achievements. please guide me about an attorney and ways in which I can fulfill missing criteria.

I understand that I need to work more on building the profile. I am thinking of sending profile to Chen first. but I have time as my PD for eb2 niw was sept 2024, which I can use for EB1A.

Criteria 1 - Lesser recognized award for excellence, ,
criteria 2 Proof of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions in your field of expertise and , ,
criteria 3. Published material about your excellence in either professional or trade publication or other major media

1] Received more than 10 CVE IDs (new vulnerabilities that affects products, used by thousands of Orgs), products have publicly thanked me in their releases notes.

2] Some of my vulnerabilities in Airlines , open src software made news because of their criticality and risk

3] Received appreciation letter from NASA, Harvard etc. Got listed in Hall of fames of WHO, UN, US Dept of Defense, CERT EU for finding security flaws in their IT infra.

4] written 2,3 articles in not so popular journal, blog

5] One of my finding was discussed at a conference in Washington, by the keynote speaker. (there's a youtube video of it)

6] No patents, research papers but writing about my research on my own blog, which is visited by more than 10k people now, some of the articles were also referenced by other researchers (as per Google scholar).

7] Collected 2 million miles as reward from United Airlines, $25k as bug bounty rewards from a US based fortune 500 company.

8] Presented at a national level cybersecurity conference, and 1 session at a university.

Criteria 9 - Performing a leading role in a distinguished organization ,

Senior role at a Big4, working on some research projects that involves AI risks and adversary simulation. can arrange support letters from seniors.

Criteria 10 - Proof you command a high salary or significant payment in relation to others in your field

probably yes , can try , need help with data sources to show as evidence.

Thanks a lot for reading ! Is it enough or I should work on more criteria, like being a judge at a conference(s)? I am planning to switch to a cyber security startup, will that affect my chances?