Beast personality and Sable Man-Beast skin- advice?

Hopefully this doesn't break any of the rules, idk, but I've tried to ask about this in-game and not really gotten any response except rudeness and/or trolls...

I'm curious how hard it is these days to get the Beast personality and the Sable Man-Beast skin. I've been playing off and on since beta but never super hardcore, at approaching 600 cp now, good gear but no trial sets, etc. I took one of my extended breaks around the time Wolfhunter came out, but I'm returning yet again, lol.

I'd love any advice on how best to approach these things, any decent guides on where all the mobs are and how to approach the bosses, particular stuff to watch out for, common mistakes, etc. I only have tank characters. I've gathered some friends and run these on vet (including someone who already got Beast personality), but getting those achievements are another order entirely, and I'd love to hear from more who have done it.

Thanks in advance!