Disney World is it worth it?
Hey everyone! I am someone who has lived many years with Ulcerative Colitis and unfortunately got C Diff and norovirus back in April of this year. To make a long story short the antibiotics were not working for it so I was given an fmt back in may. Due to having UC and a history of C diff I have constant communication with my GI Doctor I’ve had for years. This experience back in April unfortunately left me with diagnosed PTSD and I am absolutely terrified to be sick with any of it again. When I hear someone is potentially feeling sick I feel like I run the other direction anymore. My family has had a trip to Disney World planned for over a year. I haven’t traveled anywhere in a really long time so I was really looking forward to it. I asked my GI her thoughts and she said as long as I proceed with caution such as washing my hands, not touching my face and even wearing mask it should be fine. My trip is in early February and im a bit concerned because im hearing about an overwhelming amount of norovirus cases right now. I know it’s flu season and I know the stuff I’ve seen on Tik Tok isn’t helping my case.I just was curious to see if anyone has gone recently and is staying safe, what you did to keep healthy and I wanted to hear some thoughts if you think it’s worth it. Any advice is welcome and appreciated thanks!