I’m done with letting this phobia control and ruin my life

That’s it that’s the post. I won’t explain what has caused this epiphany but I’ve missed out on so many amazing things all because I’m afraid of the ‘what if I vomit’ scenario which isn’t helped by the fact that I’m always feeling nauseous, in my body and my throat which doesn’t help.

This phobia has turned me into an agoraphobic who can barely leave her room and you know what? not anymore!!!

So what if I throw up, who cares!? It’s a bodily function and so many others can do it without a problem or a panic so why can’t I!? I’ve had other uncomfortable experiences in relation to my body, such as surgery, the dentist, IUD insertion with no painkiller etc throwing up is nothing in comparison!!!

I’m just getting my feelings out and sharing my current positive outlook with yall because I love reading everyone else’s wonderful and hopeful stories about recovery and how it is possible!

I’m also posting as to hold myself accountable because I’ll be looking back in a year from now in a completely different, happy and healthy place so proud of what I’ve achieved overcoming this phobia.

You will control me no more!!!

Sending love and recovery hugs to all my fellow sufferers <3