In my car trying to pull it together.
I was just in Costco and heard someone very forcefully throw up. I happened to walk near the area. The guy at Costco was just nonchalantly cleaning it up. I know this stuff happens. But I am freaking out. I’m taking a minute in my car because I don’t want my kiddos to see me this upset. About the only thing I’m doing that isn’t a safety behavior is allowing my husband to get the stuff out of the car and still eat the pasta sauce I bought for tonight. I’m shaking. And terrified I’m going to get my kids sick. I had been doing so well and now I feel like I’m taking 50 steps back. I know I’m going to go and take a shower. Probably leave my boots outside. I absolutely do not want to do this anymore. I just want to scream. 😭
Don’t want any reassurance that it’s not going to happen to me. It very well could. But any encouragement to help sit with the anxiety is appreciated.
Don’t want