Today was a win!

I have two kiddos, one in elementary, one in preschool. So, the constant barrage of norovirus headlines have had me in a vise. Then I was in a store where someone vomited. More anxiety. Cut to a few weeks ago, my younger son’s friend’s mom told me she was planning to have his birthday party. At Chuck E. F-ing Cheese.

Now my younger son has always been the third wheel or not included with my older son’s friends and their parties. This was his first real kid birthday party HE was invited to, and his friend is like his best friend. He was amped. Then my husband showed him pictures of Chuck E. Cheese and he was AMPED.

Guys… today was the day, and we went. He had a blast, I have so many cute pictures, and he talked about it all day. They graciously included my older son, and despite a lot of other kids there, the three stuck together and went on everything, bounced on the trampolines, ate with their hands (I wiped them off with sanitizing wipes of course 😬), and generally had a great time. The birthday boy’s mom texted to tell me she was so happy my boys came because he doesn’t get to play with a lot of friends and he had a great birthday. We took showers when we got home, but I did it guys. I went to Chuck E. Cheese in peak winter illness season and survived.

For those unfamiliar: Chuck E. Cheese is basically an indoor play place/child casino with rides, games, trampolines, and the mascot is a rat that eats pizza.