UK: Please tell me your experience with a private consultation for an NHS laparoscopy referral!!

Hello! My partner has every single symptom of endometriosis (and has had so for years) and it is making her life a living hell. When she lived in Canada the pain was so bad that she had to call and ambulance twice, and was administered fentanyl once. Paracetamol/Ibuprofen do nish and Codeine barely helps. Here in the UK her GP has been very dismissive and basically said she should try the pill— she hasn’t been referred to a gynae.

Looking at this sub, it seems that the best route (other than private laparoscopy as we don’t have the £) is a private Gynaecologist consultation and they can refer for an NHS laparoscopy.

Can anybody who has experienced this route explain it for us? If there a specific type of Gynaecologist we should search for? Is it always possible to ask for an NHS laparoscopy referral or would they possibly refuse/only suggest private? We are based in London if that helps at all.

Thanks so much xx