Fascinating and Gross TMI post/vent about my cyst rupturing: NSFSqueamish People
I had my lap and have photos of my innards.
On my left ovary, I had a cyst rupture/resolve two weeks before my surgery and omg. The photos show the remains of the cyst on my ovary is horrid looking. Blood splatter on it. However, looking at it feels satisfying. I remember when it ruptured very well. Pain was at a 9. Holy cow. It was so bad! Seeing the remains of it made me feel happy, oddly enough.
But what grossed me out was seeing my right ovary. Brown spots all over it. The doctor first thought it was endo on my right ovary. Upon further inspection, she discovered the brown spots were remains of the cyst on my left ovary! Kaboom! Cyst guts went flying! Hahahahaha. I am both fascinated and horrified at Mother Nature. Oh my gawd!
Surgery went well and I am healing up nicely. But I am squeamish about my incisions. Gross.
Btw, the doctor found endo elsewhere in my body and confirmed endo stage 1 for me. Started the pill today to hopefully get into remission.