Bowel endometriosis - what were your symptoms? Did it take more than one surgery to find it? Did you develop it later?

My stomach is being CRAZY. It has been for the last week or so. I haven’t had any significant dietary changes—if anything I’ve been more careful with what I eat to try to counteract this.

I’ve always had ibs symptoms with my endometriosis, but they got noticeably better after my first surgery (about a year and a half ago). They removed endo from the pouch of Douglas area, which helped explain my symptoms. I got Mirena to help prevent new endo from popping up.

However the last couple months I’ve had issues going number 2 again. My surgeon is having me get a colonoscopy to check on that side of things before throwing me into a 3rd surgery. I feel awful. It sucks.

Tldr: any experiences you can share about this type of endometriosis would be extremely helpful and appreciated. The info I’m finding online is incredibly broad and vague.