What happened to the OG Reign flavors?

I remember when Reign was coming up and I absolutely fell in love with Lemon HDZ and Sour Apple back in 2019, went on to try Razzle Berry and Carnival Candy along with their other flavors and was an instant fan. But all of a sudden I'd say about 2-3 years ago, their Wave 1 flavors eventually were nowhere to be found in stores. You'll even see comments on Reigns recent social media posts pleading for a return of these classic flavors, and even some of the thermogenic ones too. Does anyone have an idea on why they discontinued these popular flavors?

P.S. if anyone has a good source for finding Lemon HDZ or Sour Apple please let me know 👌

I remember when Reign was coming up and I absolutely fell in love with Lemon HDZ and Sour Apple back in 2019, went on to try Razzle Berry and Carnival Candy along with their other flavors and was an instant fan. But all of a sudden I'd say about 2-3 years ago, their Wave 1 flavors eventually were nowhere to be found in stores. You'll even see comments on Reigns recent social media posts pleading for a return of these classic flavors, and even some of the thermogenic ones too. Does anyone have an idea on why they discontinued these popular flavors?

P.S. if anyone has a good source for finding Lemon HDZ or Sour Apple please let me know 👌