Issue with grind and water [breville barista touch]
I just got the breville barista touch and I’m having a couple issues.
I have whole espresso beans in and when I grind them there seems to be barely anything coming out.
I’m sure this issue has something to do with the issue above- when brewing, it seems more watered down. After it brews off there is tons of water sitting in the filter/puck. I have used this machine before and it was never like this. I have read that changing to a dual wall will help but I still feel like I’m going to have an issue since there is not enough beans dispensing.
My settings are at 15 which is right in between fine and course beans.
Anyone have any insight on how to resolve? I’m disappointed because I just got the machine and haven’t been able to use it.
Side note - I took a video but the post won’t upload with it. I screen shotted a pic of the grind but it’s a little blurry. It didn’t even fill the filter half way.