I’m looking for evidence against Christianity
Hey everyone I recently left Mormonism (about 10 months ago), reading the Bible for the first time is what finally convinced me that the LDS faith was fake. (As it totally contradicted LDS teachings.) In the process of leaving Mormonism I converted to Christianity. But as of late I have been questioning.
Some of the biggest things that are keeping me in:
- Prophecies in the old testament that may be about Christ (The Isaiah stuff, psalms etc.)
-Apparent synchronicities that appear in the Bible that seem divine. (The numbers)
- Things that always pop up on the internet/discussion, like archeologists have just recently found out that Roman’s actually crucified people in Jesus’ time.
Anyways, I just feel unsure right now. I would rather have confidence one way or the other, but I hate this in between state. So please bring forth your evidences. (But please don’t include “magic is fake, and there’s magical stuff I’m the Bible” as I wouldn’t buy that because I’m still deeply spiritual. My great uncle is a witch doctor, I’ve had a friend who Delt with that stuff (witchcraft) in Africa.)