People are "different" here in Utah.

I feel like, compared to other states I've lived in, the Utah culture is very "keeping up with the Joneses", for example, I feel like a lot of people in Utah are very trendy and judgemental. The people here seem very "fake". There's a lot of pressure to be the perfect person which, for me, creates a lot more anxiety.

When I used to live in other states, the general vibe of the people was "I know I'm not the best human being, but I'm trying my fucking hardest" and everyone understood. There wasn't as much pressure to be a perfect person, rather, to be the most genuine person you could be. There wasn't this sense of "I have to be perfect or else people will judge me".

Maybe it's because I grew up in another state, maybe it's because I've grown more bitter towards the church, maybe it's because I don't really know very many people here. I don't know, however, I'm wondering if those of you who have lived in other places have noticed the same thing?