Based on my experience in four bishoprics, membership councils are rare.

I have served in four bishoprics in four wards in three states—one inside the Moridor and two outside the Moridor. In all this time, only one membership council occurred. It was for a happily married couple that had had sex together before their marriage. They received one year of “formal membership restrictions,” which the church previously called being “disfellowshipped.” Another woman in a different ward confessed to having an abortion 10 years earlier. She had lived with intense guilt for a decade and had tried to do penance by engaging in Christian service. The bishop had compassion and wanted to take no action, but the stake president insisted that we hold a membership council. Before this could occur, I moved out of the ward. I do not know how the story ended. No other case in all this time required a membership council. Either members are not confessing their sins or bishops are showing mercy.