This is unbearable:(
I’m truly tired of seeing Muslim women and girls around me unveiled :(. It feels unfair. I shed tears when I see my Muslim classmates wearing short skirts, dresses, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, and styling their hair, while I, an ex-Muslim girl, have to wear a hijab and cover my hair and body:(💔. I wear pants and jeans with my hijab, but it’s not enough. I miss going out without it. I miss the feeling of the air playing with my hair. I’ve been wearing it for seven years (since I was 12), and I feel like my youth and beauty have been wasted because of the hijab. It feels too late now, and I’ve missed so many things. When I glam up in my room, I look in the mirror and wish I could go out looking like that for just one hour to experience what it’s like to be a woman, and not a garbage bag. The only time I felt this was two years ago when I secretly went out without the hijab, far from where I live. I felt like a real human being, and I was surprised by the amount of attention and compliments I received. Sadly, I was caught by someone I know, and he started bullying me and calling me a whore. This is just unfair :(💔, I just hate it. I can’t bear the fact that most of my Muslim classmates live the life I have always desired.