crush on a muslim girl as a non muslim

so I have a crush on this girl for a while now had a class with her last semester but never spoke to her because I'm too shy, now after that semester I told my cousin to try and find her insta and she found it. I told her to follow it because if I followed it she would have been creeped out if I found it out of no where. now move a few weeks forward to today I'm trying to build up the courage to talk to her but I only see her at the end of my last class but she's always in a rush to get into her car so its difficult for me to speak to her. now move today and she posts on her instagram "ramadan is 9 days away" and now I'm debating if I should go up to her because I'm a not muslim, I am on the fence on becoming a christian too. now I'm debating if I should go up to her at all or not. does it decrease my chances or stay the same?