How did you get into EXO?

So I did a post recently asking for an EXO rundown and now, as of March 14th 2025, I officially call myself an EXO-L.

So... They debuted when I was two years old (which is crazy to think about to me)... So of course I feel EXTREMELY late to the fandom.

I've been a k-pop fan for two years now, fandom hopping, checking out different groups, etc. I've seen EXO around, but it was their debut date that always threw me off. My friend, who's been a k-pop fan for a few years now, is the BIGGEST fan of NCT sbd eventually pulled me into that rabbit hole, then she told me about EXO since she mainly stans SM groups. I checked them out. I fell in love with them, I love their concept, but what I love about it is how consistent they are with it! I'm late, I know, not even to the halfway point of their discography yet, still learning their faces but I'm hanging in there 🫠,(also found out recently that a member is married now?? 😭) I had a fear of them disbanding soon but my friend reassured me that SM don't technically disband and that they just "gradually stop making music". And I'm actually asking myself what the heck SM feeds them because how are they all so talented and the literal definition of all rounders??

Anyway, enough about me, I'd love to hear your EXO-L stories!! And feel free to throw in your bias as well! I'd love for some bias ideas as well! Usually drawn to the "extroverted introvert" trope so if EXO has one he'd probably be my bias 😔

Edit: my grammar is embarrassing, I promise I know how to write.