Intel Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th May

Monday 22.05.23: joker

hybrid workout.

pods: 6 (3 combo stations per pod)

laps: 2 through each pod.

sets: 1 at each station.

stations: 18 timing:

lap 1: 55” work 20” rest

lap 2: 25” work 15” rest

  1. rowing machine
  2. ybell single alternate clean + press outer grip
  3. ybell single crunch + punch
  4. ski erg explosive
  5. sandbag clean + squat
  6. activation band bear row
  7. suspension trainer push up + knee tuck
  8. barbell push press
  9. flutter kicks cross over
  10. 3 x bench hops + burpee
  11. deadball pick up and slams
  12. balance trainer crunch
  13. bike hover
  14. plate snatch
  15. plank diagonal reach
  16. ladder ikky shuffle
  17. dumbbell goblet forwards reverse lunge
  18. sandbag push up + plank drag

Tuesday 23.05.23: tokyo disco

resistance workout.

pods: 2 (6 stations per pod)

laps: 1 through each pod.

sets: 3 at each station.

stations: 12

timing: 35” work 25” rest

  1. dumbbell seated soft box shoulder press
  2. sandbag bent over row wide grip
  3. dumbbell bench incline fly
  4. barbell upright row
  5. ybell box seated bicep curl alternating
  6. power band tricep pulldowns pulses
  7. suspension trainer pistol squat
  8. kettlebell conventional deadlift pause
  9. barbell front squat
  10. deadball activation band balance trainer hip thruster pause
  11. dumbbell lateral lunge
  12. static lunge hold + calf raise 5x5

Wednesday 24.05.23: athletica

cardio workout.

pods: 3 (3 stations per pod)

laps: 2 through each pod.

sets: 4 at each station.

stations: 9

timing: 20” work 10” rest

  1. battle ropes singles
  2. dumbbell skier swings
  3. broad jump burpee
  4. soft box 10 x mountain climber + 1 box jump
  5. ladder deadball with carry
  6. ybell plyo lunge pulse + punch under grip
  7. ski erg staggerd stance
  8. bike erg standing
  9. rowing machine

Thursday 25.05.23: titans

resistance workout.

pods: 3 (3 stations per pod)

laps: 1 through each pod.

sets: 4 at each station.

stations: 9

timing: 35” work 25” rest

  1. balance trainer dumbbell chest fly
  2. barbell bent over staggered row 2 sec pause
  3. sandbag squat + upright row rotation
  4. power band straight arm pulldowns
  5. dumbbell softbox chest press
  6. ybell gorilla row
  7. dumbbell box seated tricep extension
  8. plate lying sub scap
  9. bicep curl + shoulder press

Friday 26.05.23: gp gunner peterson

hybrid workout.

pods: 4 (2 combo stations in each pod)

stations: 16

sets: 4

timing: 4 min to complete each superset pyramid

set 1: 12 reps (1a) super set with 12 reps (1b)

set 2: 10 reps (1a) super set with 10 reps (1b)

set 3: 8 reps (1a) super set with 8 reps (1b)

set 4: 6 reps (1a) super set with 6 reps (1b)

  1. ybell squat jump + punch under grip
  2. ybell single bicep curls
  3. sandbag upright row
  4. sandbag clean
  5. kettlebell double clean + forward lunge
  6. kettlebell romanian deadlift
  7. dumbbell box lateral step over
  8. dumbbell front squats
  9. dumbbell single arm floor press
  10. dumbbell single arm renegade row
  11. revo crunch
  12. revo over head reverse lunge
  13. deadball ground to shoulder
  14. deadball overhead slams
  15. barbell push press
  16. burpee

Saturday 27.05.23: socal

hybrid workout.

pods: 2

sets: 1

laps: 3

stations: 12


lap 1: 60” work 30” rest

lap 2: 40” work 20” rest

lap 3: 20” work 10” rest

  • 4 rounds of pf 3 b bodyweight exercises at the end of each pod.
  1. 5 ybell push ups + 5 ybell squats
  2. bike seated sprints
  3. kettlebell single arm alternate swings
  4. dumbbell box alternate leg step ups
  5. step trainer fast feet 180 combo
  6. alternate reverse lunge + hop
  7. burpee + bar touch
  8. double dumbbell hang clean + push press
  9. sandbag alternate staggered deadlift
  10. ybell single alternating snatch
  11. dumbbell floor press
  12. ski erg butterfly standing

Sunday 28.05.23: piston

resistance workout

pods: 1

sets: 1

laps: 3

stations: 12


lap 1: 35” work 25” rest

lap 2: 35” work 25” rest

lap 3: 40” work 20” rest

  1. kettlebell deadlift tempo 4-0-1
  2. balance trainer chest press pulse
  3. ybell squat pulses under grip
  4. suspension trainer neutral grip row pulse
  5. dumbbell soft box step up
  6. ab wheel
  7. flat bench dumbbell tempo fly 4-0-1
  8. barbell sumo deadlift
  9. barbell bent over row underhand grip tempo 4-0-1
  10. revo zercher curtsey squat
  11. ybell double bicep curl twist centre grip
  12. low plank-moving plank mountain climber