Intel 05th to 11th June 2023
Monday 05.06.2023: quarterbacks
hybrid workout.
pods: 2
laps: 1 (per pod)
sets: 2 at each station
stations: 14 (7 per pod)
timing: 55” work 20” rest
agility box hurdle u line bear crawls
ski erg standing
balance trainer dumbbell qtr back move left
rowing machine
ybell single sprawl lateral jump
bike erg seated
barbell squat press
barbell romanian deadlift + underhand grip row
dumbbell farmers walk
kettlebell single high pulls
deadball kneeling oblique slam
sandbag clean + jump squat + burpee
single dumbbell clean + push press
ybell flutter kicks
Tuesday 06.06.2023: maximus
resistance workout.
pods: 3
laps: 1 (per pod)
sets: 4 at each station
stations: 9. (3 per pod).
lap 1: 40” work 20” rest.
lap 2, 3 & 4: 30” work 20” rest.
there’s a body weight reel at the end of each pod.
kettlebell double clean + squat
dumbbell bench incline chest press
barbell bicep partials x 3
chin up overhand
dumbbell alternate staggered squat
ybell box seated shoulder press pause
barbell romanian deadlift staggered
sandbag bent over row mixed grip
revo kneeing tricep extension
Wednesday 07.06.2023: pipeline
cardio workout.
pods: 1
laps: 4
sets: 1
stations: 9
timing: 40” work 20” rest
battle ropes 555
step trainer jump on-off + 4 x shuffle
ybell top grip sprawl and row
medicine ball split jump
1 x push up + 1 x box jump
ski erg staggerd stance
plank diagonal reach
5 x deadball slam + 2 x squat jumps
balance trainer deadball power lunge right
Thursday 08.06.2023: deuces
resistance workout.
members get to choose if they want to do the upper body pod or the lower body pod.
pods: 2. but you only get to do one.
laps: 2.
sets: 2 at each station.
stations: 7
lap 1: 40” stimulus specific work followed by 20” of full range work 20” rest
lap 2: 30” stimulus specific work followed by 15” of full range work 15” rest
uper body
dumbbell bicep curl + pulse
dumbbell bicep curl
sandbag bent over row overhand grip + pulse
sandbag bent over row overhand grip
barbell shoulder press pulse
barbell shoulder press
revo lying tricep extension pulse
revo lying tricep extension
pelvic floor pulse
leg raise
dumbbell incline bench press neutral grip + pulse
dumbbell incline bench press neutral grip
chins overhand grip 1 and half rep
chin up overhand grip
lower body
revo step trainer bulgarian pulse
revo step trainer bulgarian
kettlebell single romanian deadlift + pulse
kettlebell single romanian deadlift
kettlebell goblet sumo squat + pulse
kettlebell goblet sumo squat
activation bands glute pulse
activation bands glute activation squat
barbell front squat pulse
barbell front squat
plank pulses
plank elbows extended
dumbbell lateral lunge pulse
dumbbell lateral lunge
Friday 09.06.2023: tempest
hybrid workout.
pods: 4.
stations: 16. (4 per pod).
7 x 30” work body weight exercises at the start of the workout.
then 7’ team amrap at each pod.
balance trainer plank + alternate knee to elbow
dumbbell push press
triple switch hold
bike erg tempest target
hanging alt single leg raise
ybell burpee deadlift
push up hold
rower tempest target
soft box step up + reverse lunge
deadball combo squat curl + press
sumo squat pulses
ski erg tempest target
kettlebell alternate staggered romanian deadlift
dumbbell punches 4 x high + 4 x straight
fast feet close to wide
bench hops tempest target
Saturday 10.06.2023: special ops
hybrid workout.
pods: 2
laps: 3.
stations: 12
lap 1: 20” work 10” rest. 2 sets.
lap 2: 40” work 20” rest. 1 set.
lap 3: 60” work 30” rest. 1 set.
- 4 minutes of amrap (3x body weight exercises at the end of each pod)
bike hover
Revo step trainer alternate reverse lunge
rowing machine
ybell devil press
dumbbell flat bench press neutral grip + pulse
5 x deadball slam + 2 x burpee
5 double foot mountain climbers + 2 push ups
kettlebell deadlift
sandbag bent over row wide grip
bike erg seated
soft box decline shoulder taps
ski erg standing high reach
Sunday 11.06.2023: wyvern
resistance workout.
pods: 1
laps: 1
sets: 3
stations: 18
timing: 20” of pre fatigue and 40” of overload 25” rest.
dumbbell goblet squat hold
dumbbell goblet squats
suspension trainer neutral grip row hold
suspension trainer close grip row
barbell lying tricep extension pulse
barbell tricep extension
dumbbell flat bench press 90 degree hold
dumbbell flat bench press
kettlebell romanian deadlift pulses
kettlebell romanian deadlift
barbell bicep curl hold
barbell bicep curl
revo good morning
revo good morning and squat combo
ybell double push press centre grip hold
ybell double push press centre grip
ski erg explosive
ski erg standing