Intel 19th to 25th June 2023

Monday 19.06.2023: quarterbacks

hybrid workout.

pods: 2

laps: 1 (per pod)

sets: 2 at each station

stations: 14 (7 per pod)

timing: 55” work 20” rest

  1. 10 x predator jacks + 2 x burpees
  2. ski erg standing
  3. 10 x high knees + 2 x push ups
  4. rowing machine
  5. 10 x dumbbell punches + 2 x squat and press
  6. bike erg seated
  7. 10 x mountain climber + 2 x sprawl
  8. dumbbell squat + step back lunge
  9. balance trainer diamond push up
  10. kettlebell deadlift single row
  11. bearcrawl reverse soft box step up
  12. suspension trainer squat pistol pulses left
  13. ybell gorilla row
  14. barbell clean and press

Tuesday 20.06.2023: maximus

resistance workout.

pods: 3

laps: 1 (per pod)

sets: 4 at each station

stations: 9. (3 per pod).


lap 1: 40” work 20” rest.

lap 2, 3 & 4: 30” work 20” rest.

there’s a body weight reel at the end of each pod.

  1. box kettlebell step up
  2. dumbbell flat bench press
  3. sandbag step trainer bulgarian tempo 4-0-1
  4. chin station eccentric chins
  5. deadball squat cleans
  6. barbell romanian deadlift tempo 4-0-1
  7. dumbbell swiss ball shoulder press neutral grip
  8. ybell double bent over row twist centre grip
  9. slides hamstring curl

Wednesday 21.06.2023: pipeline

cardio workout.

pods: 1

laps: 4

sets: 1

stations: 9

timing: 40” work 20” rest

  1. battlerope + reverse lunge
  2. ybell high swing
  3. bear crawls back and forward short
  4. soft box jump
  5. balance trainer sit up and knee raise
  6. activation bands step trainer single leg bound
  7. ski erg squats
  8. dumbbell double jumping jack + press
  9. sprint & lateral hops

Thursday 22.06.2023: deuces

resistance workout.

members get to choose if they want to do the upper body pod or the lower body pod.

pods: 2. but you only get to do one.

laps: 2.

sets: 2 at each station.

stations: 7


lap 1: 40” stimulus specific work followed by 20” of full range work 20” rest

lap 2: 30” stimulus specific work followed by 15” of full range work 15” rest

uper body

  1. dumbbell flat bench unilateral chest press
  2. dumbbell flat bench press
  3. power band seated single arm row
  4. power band seated close grip row
  5. dumbbell bicep curl
  6. dumbbell hammer curl
  7. slides archer push ups single side
  8. push up tricep
  9. medicine ball half russian twist - single side
  10. russian twist
  11. revo standing single arm shoulder press
  12. revo shoulder press
  13. suspension trainer single arm row
  14. suspension trainer close grip row

lower body

  1. activation bands standing abductor lift
  2. activation bands squat side to side shuffle
  3. barbell romanian deadlift staggered
  4. barbell romanian deadlift
  5. kettlebell stationary lunge
  6. kettlebell alternate reverse lunge
  7. swiss ball plank leg lift
  8. swiss ball plank
  9. sandbag staggered squat
  10. sandbag front squat
  11. soft box single leg hip thruster
  12. soft box hip thrusters
  13. dumbbell box single leg step up
  14. dumbbell box alternate leg step ups

Friday 23.06.2023: tempest

hybrid workout.

pods: 4.

stations: 16. (4 per pod).


7 x 30” work body weight exercises at the start of the workout.

then 7’ team amrap at each pod.

  1. speed squats
  2. ybell single alternate clean + lunge
  3. a steps
  4. bike erg tempest target
  5. hanging straight leg raises
  6. kettlebell squat + upright row
  7. dumbbell punches
  8. rower tempest target
  9. straight arm crunch
  10. deadball pick up and slams
  11. star jumps
  12. ski erg tempest target
  13. frog squats
  14. barbell push press
  15. ice skater
  16. ybell squat press under grip tempest

Saturday 24.06.2023: heroes hollywood

hybrid workout.

pods: 1

laps: 3.

sets: 1.

stations: 18

timing: 40” work 15” rest

  1. agility ladder scissors
  2. 1 x inchworm + 10 x mountain climber
  3. deadball over shoulder throw
  4. activation bands 2 x side step 2 x squat each end
  5. soft box jump
  6. medicine ball 2 x russian twists + 1 jackknives
  7. step trainer low squat jumps
  8. ybell single alternate reverse lunge + press
  9. burpee hands off
  10. revo bicep curl
  11. ybell single arm snatch
  12. dumbbell lateral lunge
  13. triple switch + single leg deadlift
  14. kettlebell swing
  15. speed squat
  16. rowing machine
  17. speed sprawl
  18. forward run + 2 x push up + backwards run

Sunday 25.06.2023: wyvern

resistance workout.

pods: 1

laps: 1

sets: 3

stations: 18

timing: 20” of pre fatigue and 40” of overload 25” rest.

  1. ybell double push up + row top grip hold
  2. ybell double push up + row top grip
  3. chin up overhand grip hold
  4. chin up overhand grip
  5. barbell hang pull + high row
  6. barbell romanian deadlift high pull
  7. dumbbell swiss ball chest press hold
  8. dumbbell swiss ball chest press
  9. revo step trainer bulgarian pulse
  10. revo step trainer bulgarian pause
  11. barbell shoulder press pulse pulse
  12. barbell shoulder press
  13. bodyweight squat hold
  14. kettlebell conventional deadlift pause
  15. dumbbell hammer curl pulse pulse
  16. dumbbell hammer curl
  17. ski erg explosive
  18. ski erg standing