Intel 03rd to 09th July 2023
Monday 03.07.2023: triple threat
hybrid workout.
pods: 1
laps: 1
sets: 3 at each station
stations: 12
set 1: 20” work 10” rest
set 2: 40” work 20” rest
set 3: 60” work 30” rest
- rowing machine
- medicine ball russian twist x 5 + one arm push up x 1
- skipping
- 10 x plyo lunge + 2 x squat pulse
- 5 ybell suitcase squats + 2 bw jump squats
- balance trainer reverse burpees
- bike standing
- deadball bear hug walk
- dumbbell alternating snatch single from hang position
- soft box 10 x high knees box jump
- deadball overhead slams
- ladder ikky shuffle
Tuesday 04.07.2023: liberty
resistance workout.
pods: 1
laps: 2
sets: 2 at each station
stations: 9
timing: 40” work 20” rest
- revo single arm bent over row
- dumbbell deadlift single leg
- dumbbell bench incline chest press neutral grip
- barbell staggered squat
- dumbbell seated soft box shoulder press
- suspension trainer box advance rows
- barbell sumo deadlift
- kettlebell lateral single leg lunge
- ybell double hammer curl centre grip
Wednesday 05.07.2023: abacus
cardio workout.
pods: 1
laps: 2
sets: 5 at each station
stations: 6
lap 1:
set 1: 20” work 10” rest
set 2: 22” work 10” rest
set 3: 24” work 10” rest
set 4: 26” work 10” rest
set 5: 28” work 10” rest
lap 2
set 1: 28” work 10” rest
set 2: 26” work 10” rest
set 3: 24” work 10” rest
set 4: 22” work 10” rest
set 5: 20” work 10” rest
- 10 x frog squats + 2 x sprawls
- rowing machine + ski erg
- dumbbell push press
- ybell deep hammer squat + jump under grip
- slides 5 x knee tuck 2 x burpee
- plate snatch
Thursday 06.07.2023: romans
resistance workout.
pods: 3
laps: 2 through each pod.
sets: 2 at each station.
stations: 9 (3 stations per pod)
timing: 35” work 25” rest
- balance trainer dumbbell chest fly
- barbell bent over row overhand grip
- ab crunch and twist
- suspension trainer assisted chins
- dumbbell swiss ball chest press
- soft box tricep dips
- dumbbell front raise + lateral raise
- plate lying sub scap
- barbell bicep curl + shoulder press
Friday 07.07.2023: t10
hybrid workout.
pods: 1.
laps: 4
sets: 1
stations: 10
timing: 40” works 15” rest
- battle ropes 10 x squat 10 x standing
- chin up overhand grip
- ybell single sprawl
- soft box single leg eccentric sits
- ski erg reverse lunges
- deadball step trainer bear hug bulgarian pulse
- slides track run shuttle run back
- activation band bicycles
- bike erg seated
- dumbbell front squat + calf raise
Saturday 08.07.2023: west hollywood
hybrid workout.
pods: 1
laps: 2.
sets: 1.
stations: 27
lap 1: 45” work 15” rest
lap 2: 35” work 15” rest
- butterfly sit ups
- dumbbell reverse lunge lateral raise + bicep curl
- hip thruster hold calf raise
- sandbag sumo squat pause
- sandbag bicep curl pause
- ybell double clean + press outer grip
- agility box split lunges
- agility box hurdle forward hurdle jump + back pedal
- burpee hands off
- balance trainer sit up and knee raise
- balance trainer mountain climber
- ski erg staggerd stance
- ski erg staggerd stance
- 10 x predator jacks + 2 x ice skaters
- dumbbell push up row
- dumbbell t bar row
- kettlebell sumo deadlift pause
- deadball bear hug lateral step over
- triple switch hold
- rowing machine
- rowing machine
- step trainer sprawl lateral shuffle
- t superman (lying)
- ybell single pick up cross halo transition
- medicine ball twist x4 + jump and press x1
- sled
- plate overhead walking lunge
Sunday 09.07.2023: pantherns
resistance workout.
pods: 1
laps: 1
sets: 3
stations: 14
timing: 35” work 20” rest
- deadball pulse squats
- barbell push press
- dumbbell upright row wide
- plate overhead reverse lunge
- revo romanian deadlift alternate single leg
- balance trainer hip thruster
- dumbbell flat bench alternate chest press
- activation band plank + alternating leg abduction
- ybell row + rotational press alternating
- barbell bicep partials x 3
- soft box plate reverse fly
- balance trainer alternate limb crunch
- dumbbell tricep extension
- kettlebell sumo romanian deadlift