**Intel 10th to 16th July 2023**
Monday 10.07.23: Stage 1
Cardio based workout.
Pods: 3 (3 stations per pod)
Sets: 4 at each station.
Laps: 2 through each pod.
Stations: 9
Timing: 20” work 10” rest
In pod 2 members must record their lowest number of reps completed out of at all sets, across both laps.
- battle ropes 555
- bike climb
- 5 x deadball slam + 2 x seal jack
- ybell single thruster
- medicine ball russian twist
- inchworm + push up + toe touch
- lateral fast feet + ground touch
- ski erg staggerd stance
- 5 x squat pulse + 2 x reverse lunge
Tuesday 11.07.23: Stage 2
Resistance based workout.
Pods: 3 (pod 1& 3 have 2 combo stations each; pod 2 will have 2 “you go I go” stations)
Stations: 10
Pod 1 & 3: 40” work 20” rest. 3 combo sets at each station.
Pod 2: 40” work 20” rest. 3 sets at each station in a “you go i go” format. The goal here is to calculate reps and load.
- dumbbell box seated shoulder press
- barbell bent over row underhand grip
- kettlebell right clean single leg reverse lunge
- kettlebell alternate staggered romanian deadlift
- barbell front squat
- dumbbell flat bench press
- dumbbell bicep curl
- revo kneeling tricep extension
- sandbag activation band soft box hip thruster
- sandbag activation band good morning
Wednesday 12.07.23: Stage 3
Cardio based workout.
At the beginning of the workout, there is a target based EMOM knockout reel before moving to the racetrack part.
Pods: 1
Sets: 1
Laps: 2
Stations: 12
EMOM: 60” work repeated back to back for 12 rounds. Members will find space in the center of the room and complete the burpee target shown in the screen within the 60” period. If members complete the target early, any spare time is used for rest.
Each 60” period, 1 additional burpee is added. If the members do not complete the required number of burpees in the 60” period, they will self-eliminate and move to the outside pod and work around the station on the 60”.
Lap 1: 45” work 15” rest. 1 set at each station.
Lap 2: 20” work 10” rest. 2 sets at each station.
- ski erg standing high reach
- medicine ball woodchop
- suspension trainer in out squat jump
- bike erg standing
- frog squats
- rowing machine
- bear crawls back and forward short
- box march
- balance trainer plank + alternate knee to elbow
- cones defensive line shuffle
- 5 ybell suitcase squats + 2 bw jump squats
- dumbbell alternate arm speed hammer curl
- burpee hand release
Thursday 13.07.23: Stage 4
Resistance based workout.
Pods: 1
Sets: 1
Laps: 1
Stations: 9
60” activation + 10” transition + 150” main exercise + 30” to move to the next station.
- runners lunge alternating
- dumbbell soft box step up
- staggered hinge dig+reach alternating
- barbell romanian deadlift
- standing t-y-i
- revo push press
- overhead air squat
- sandbag box feet off box squats
- four point shoulder taps
- dumbbell flat bench press neutral grip
- standing fly pulses
- chin up underhand grip
- inchworm+down dog
- butterfly sit ups
- frog squat+rotation reach
- ybell double alternate reverse lunge outer grip
- four point knee 90 kickback alternating
- kettlebell double sumo squat and high pull
Friday 14.07.23: Stage 5
Cardio based workout.
Pods: 5
Stations: 10
6.5 minutes per pod to complete 100 reps of each station.
Members will be able to choose how they complete the reps within each pod (E.g.: 25 reps per exercise, alternating 8 times between the 2 exercises in your pod)
60” hydration break between pods.
- ybell squat jump + punch under grip
- ybell side lunge single arm under grip
- dumbbell hammer curl
- dumbbell snatch single from hang position
- ab crunch and twist
- speed sprawls
- sandbag kneeling arc press
- sandbag plank drag
- kettlebell cleans
- kettlebell swing
Saturday 15.07.23: Stage 6
Hybrid based workout.
Pods: 3
Stations: 9
4.5 minutes at each station (buy-in + max reps), 30” to rest and move the station.
In pairs, members will work together to achieve maximum meter on the Erg Machine as a relay in station 3, 6 and 9.
The other stations will have a buy-in to be completed by the pair before they attack the max team reps. Only one person can be working at a time.
- deadball over shoulder throw ygig 100 rep buy in
- deadball bear hug squat ygig
- kettlebell swings ygig 100 rep buy in
- kettlebell squat upright row ygig
- ski erg ygig
- burpee + jump on plate ygig 60 rep buy in
- pushup ygig
- ybell single clean + press ygig 60 rep buy in
- sit up ygig
- rower sprints ygig
- dumbbell romanian deadlift ygig 100 rep buy in
- dumbbell floor press ygig
- softbox jump ygig 80 rep buy in
- dumbbell lunges ygig
- bike erg seated ygig
Sunday 16.07.23: Stage 7
Hybrid workout.
Pods: 1
Sets: 1
Laps: 1
Stations: 10
Timing: 45” work 15” rest
Everyone will start at station 1.
Members are paired up, 1 member taking part in the challenge and the other member scoring. After a member completes the 10 exercises, they enter their score in the f45 Challenge App. After the first member has completed the Trial, partners will switch and the second member will complete it.
- dumbbell devil press
- deadball ground to shoulder & reverse lunge
- push up hand release
- shuttle sprint
- dumbbell single alternating snatch
- ybell single sprawl lateral jump
- kettlebell front squat
- ski erg standing high reach
- bike erg seated
- rowing machine