Intel 17th To 23rd July 2023
Monday 17.07.2023: Triple Threat
Hybrid Workout.
Pods: 1
Laps: 1
Sets: 3 At Each Station
Stations: 12
Set 1: 20” Work 10” Rest
Set 2: 40” Work 20” Rest
Set 3: 60” Work 30” Rest
Bike Erg Seated
Kettlebell Burpee + Push Up
Rowing Machine
Step Trainer Single Leg Bound
Ski Erg Standing
Revo Squat Press
Soft Box Jump
Balance Trainer Plate Crunch
Ybell Double Hammer Curl + Alternate Reverse Lunge Center Grip
Deadball Kneeling Oblique Slam
Fast Feet Sprawl
Medicine Ball Overhead Shuffle
Tuesday 18.07.2023: Liberty
Resistance Workout.
Pods: 1
Laps: 2
Sets: 2at Each Station
Stations: 9
Timing: 40” Work 20” Rest
- Kettlebell Box Bent Over Row
- Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
- Medicine Ball Push Up
- Dumbbell Goblet Sumo Squat
- Dumbbell Bench Decline Chest Press
- Power Band Barbell Upright Row
- Balance Trainer Single Leg Hip Thruster
- Deadball Step Trainer Bear Hug Bulgarian
- Revo Lying Tricep Extension
Wednesday 19.07.2023: Abacus
Cardio Workout.
Pods: 1
Laps: 2
Sets: 5 At Each Station
Stations: 6
Lap 1:
Set 1: 20” Work 10” Rest
Set 2: 22” Work 10” Rest
Set 3: 24” Work 10” Rest
Set 4: 26” Work 10” Rest
Set 5: 28” Work 10” Rest
Lap 2:
Set 1: 28” Work 10” Rest
Set 2: 26” Work 10” Rest
Set 3: 24” Work 10” Rest
Set 4: 22” Work 10” Rest
Set 5: 20” Work 10” Rest
- Ski Erg + Bike Erg
- Deadball Over Shoulder Throw
- Dumbbell Double Jumping Jack + Press
- Shuttle Sprint + 3 X Squat Jumps
- Frog Crunch
- Single Dumbbell Clean + Push Press
Thursday 20.07.2023: Romans
Resistance Workout.
Pods: 3
Laps: 2 Through Each Pod.
Sets: 2 At Each Station.
Stations: 9 (3 Stations Per Pod)
Timing: 35” Work 25” Rest
- Dumbbell Bench Flat Chest Fly
- Barbell Bent Over Row Overhand Grip Tempo 4-0-1
- Barbell Lying Tricep Extension Pause
- Chin Up Mixed Grip
- Balance Trainer Chest Press Pause
- Revo Single Arm Kneeling Press
- 5 Ybell Front Raise + 5 Ybell Lat Raise
- Dumbbell Hammer Curl
- Swiss Ball Crunch
Friday 21.07.2023: T10
Hybrid Workout.
Pods: 1.
Laps: 4
Sets: 1
Stations: 10
Timing: 40” Works 15” Rest
- Medicine Ball Forward Lunge With Twist
- Suspension Trainer Bicep Curl + Wide Row
- Balance Trainer 10 X Mountain Climber And Overhead Press
- Dumbbell Flat Bench Press Neutral Grip
- Rowing Machine
- Step Trainer Decline Spiderman Push Up
- Cones Scissor Jumps Lateral Jumps
- Dumbbell Goblet Sumo Squat Pause
- Explosive Crouch Starts 5 Each Side
- Bike Climb
Saturday 22.07.2023: No-Ho
Hybrid Workout.
Pods: 1
Laps: 3.
Stations: 18
Lap 1: 20” Work 10” Rest. 2 Sets At Each Station.
Lap 2: 60” Work 20” Rest. 1 Set At Each Station.
Lap 3: Lap 1: 20” Work 10” Rest. 1 Set At Each Station.
- Speed Squats
- 10 X High Knees + 2 X Sprawl
- Kettlebell Clean And Press
- Ybell Plyo Lunge Pulse + Punch Under Grip
- Push Up Downward Dog Reverse
- Ski Erg Explosive
- Chin Static Hold
- Dumbbell Flat Bench Press Neutral Grip Pulse
- Step Trainer Lateral Hops + Reverse Shuffle
- Hand Walks In And Hand Walks Out
- Bike Hover
- Balance Trainer Dumbbell Power Chops & Jump
- 5 X Deadball Squat Clean + 2 X Ice Skater
- Sandbag Bent Row And Upright Row Pyramid
- 5 X Jackknives + 2 X Crunches
- 3 X Frog Squats + 4 X Plyo Lunge X4
- Kettlebell Alternate Staggered Goblet Squat
- Box Push Up + Lateral Box Jump
Sunday 23.07.2023: Pantherns
Resistance Workout.
Pods: 1
Laps: 1
Sets: 3
Stations: 14
Timing: 35” Work 20” Rest
- Kettlebell Rack Squat
- Sandbag Squat + Upright Row
- Deadball Bent Over Row Tempo 4-0-1
- Ybell Single Pick Up Cross Halo Transition
- Dumbbell Deadlift Pause
- Barbell Squat Press
- Spiderman Push Up
- Swiss Ball Plate Weight Crunch
- Dumbbell Maneater
- Slides 4 Point Hold - Alternate Leg Kick Back
- Dumbbell Lateral Lunge + Bicep Curl
- Flutter Kicks Cross Over
- Step Trainer Alternate Leg Eccentric Pistol Squats
- Sledgehammer Tricep Blaster