Intel 14th to 20th August 2023
Monday 14.08.2023: marathon
hybrid workout.
pods: 1
laps: 1
sets: 1
stations: 14
timing: 120” work 30” rest
- bike erg seated
- step trainer lateral hops + reverse shuffle
- burpee + bar touch
- balance trainer sit up and knee raise
- 5 x deadball squat clean + x 2 squat jumps
- rowing machine
- ybell single pick up cross halo transition
- sled push
- ybell single alternating snatch
- dynamic soft box cross over
- ski erg standing
- dumbbell overhead march
- kettlebell push up + sumo deadlift high pull
- 10 x dumbbell punches + 2 x squat and press
Tuesday 15.08.2023: titans
resistance workout.
pods: 3
laps: 1
sets: 4
stations: 9
timing: 35” work 25” rest
- dumbbell box seated shoulder press
- ybell double tricep push up + double row top grip
- kettlebell right clean single leg reverse lunge
- chin up overhand grip tempo 4-0-1
- olympic barbell front squat
- dumbbell flat bench press
- dumbbell bicep curl
- revo kneeling tricep extension
- barbell romanian deadlift challenge tracking
Wednesday 16.08.2023: red line
cardio workout.
pods: 1
laps: 1
sets: 5
stations: 9
set 1: 20” work 5” rest
set 2: 30” work 5” rest
set 3: 40” work 5” rest
set 4: 50” work 5” rest
set 5: 60” work 5” rest
- battle ropes 555
- soft box sprawl + step up
- ski erg explosive
- cones deadball shuttle sprints slam pyramid
- straight leg raise + frog reaches
- bike erg standing
- ybell single alternate clean + lunge + press outer grip
- 2 x star jump + 2 x pu + 4 x wide mountain climber
- rowing machine
Thursday 17.08.2023: gemini
resistance workout.
sister workout to deuces. members can choose which workout they do: upper or lower body.
pods: 1
laps: 3
sets: 1
stations: 7
lap 1: 20” work 10” rest. 3 sets.
lap 2: 40” work 20” rest. 1 set.
set 3: 60” work 30” rest. 1 set.
2 minute group work core reel at the end.
upper body:
- barbell bicep curl pause
- dumbbell flat bench press neutral grip
- swiss ball plate reverse fly
- box hand stand push up
- barbell lying tricep extension
- ybell seated shoulder press
- power band straight arm tempo
lower body:
- kettlebell single alternate clean + reverse lunge
- kettlebell deadlift
- dumbbell single soft box hip thruster
- deadball alternate staggered goodmorning
- sandbag lateral lunge
- revo over head reverse lunge
- dumbbell single sumo goblet squat
Friday 18.08.2023: checkmate
pods: 3
stations: 12 (3 per pod)
pod 1: cardio
pod 2: resistance
por 3: amrap
pod 1: 60” work 25” rest. 1 set. 2 laps.
pod 2: 60” work 25” rest. 2 sets. 1 lap.
pod 3: amrap: 4 rounds of 2’30” of continuous work preforming 4 movements with a rep format of 2-2-2-2, 4-4-4-4, and so on for as many rounds as possible + 15” of burpees every 2’30”.
- soft box explosive step ups
- ski erg standing
- rowing machine
- bike erg challenge tracking
- chins overhand grip 1 and half rep
- dumbbell bench incline chest press 1 and a half pulses
- barbell sumo deadlift tempo 4-0-1
- kettlebell alternate reverse lunge pulse
- dumbbell alternating snatch single from hang position
- single dumbbell lunge
- single dumbbell clean + squat
- dumbbell sit up
Saturday 19.08.2023: Hollywood
hybrid workout.
pods: 1
laps: 2.
sets: 1
stations: 27
timing: 40” work 15” rest
- lunge jump + burpee
- kettlebell overhead swing
- kettlebell sumo deadlift tempo 4-0-1
- revo forward lunge
- revo reverse curl
- soft box explosive incline push ups
- agility box half court squats
- agility box hurdle u line bear crawls
- 5 x deadball squat clean + 2 x seal jack
- dumbbell squat + lateral raises
- dumbbell knees sprawl combat combo 3
- ski erg staggerd stance
- ski erg staggerd stance
- 5 x squat pulse + 2 x squat jump
- deadball lying chest press pulse
- dumbbell renegade row
- sandbag romanian deadlift
- sandbag lateral lunge pause
- bearcrawl soft box hand step up
- balance trainer burpee + shoulder press
- step trainer low squat jumps
- 10 x frog squats + 2 x push ups
- triple switch hold + 5 x ice skater
- plate squat + chest press
- 2 x step trainer jump on-off + 4 x shuffle
- sled push sprint
- sled push
Sunday 20.08.2023: lonestar
resistance workout (unilateral training). members will work one side of the body on lap 1 and switch sides on lap 2.
pods: 1
laps: 2
sets: 2
stations: 12
set 1: work 30” rest 10”
set 2: work 30” rest 20”
- ybell woodchops
- push up tripod hold
- dumbbell single bulgarian squat upright
- dumbbell single staggered rdl & march
- dumbbell single arm floor press
- kettlebell single high pulls
- dumbbell single arm sumo squat + curl
- static lunge hold + calf raise left
- ybell box seated shoulder press unilateral
- revo single arm row left
- soft box single leg eccentric sits
- 5 x oblique crunches + 5 x side plank with pulse