Intel 21st to 27th August 2023
Monday 21.08.2023: MVP
hybrid workout.
pods: 1
sets: 1
laps: 2
stations: 12
timing: 60” work 30” rest
after the completion of lap 1, the even number stations will change, using the same equipment at each station.
- dumbbell single alternating clean + forward lunge
- deadball squat cleans burpee (lap 1)
- deadball overhead slams (lap 2)
- rowing machine
- medicine ball overhead shuffle (lap 1)
- medicine ball woodchop (lap 2)
- ski erg challenge tracking
- ski erg challenge tracking11. 10 x predator jacks + 2 x ice skaters (lap 1)
- 10 x frog squats + 2 x sprawls (lap 2)
- ybell single soft box cross over
- shuttle sprint (lap 1)
- shuttle run into bounds x 3 (lap 2)
- ybell single thruster
- slides knee tuck (lap 1)
- slides burpee (lap 2)
- plate leg raises
- kettlebell single arm alternate swings (lap 1)
- kettlebell sumo squat upright row (lap 2)
Tuesday 22.08.2023: Piston
resistance workout.
pods: 1
sets: 1
laps: 3
stations: 12
lap 1&2: 35” work 25” rest
lap 3: 40” work 20” rest
- olympic barbell sumo deadlifts pause
- barbell shoulder press
- ybell double rack squat outer grip
- pull up challenge tracking
- kettlebell double clean + reverse lunge
- feet up twist crunches
- dumbbell bench incline chest press
- sandbag hip thruster
- dumbbell alternate bent over row neutral grip
- dumbbell 45 degree lunge
- revo front raise
- balance trainer plate crunch
Wednesday 23.08.2023: Foxtrot
cardio workout.
pods: 1
sets: 4
laps: 1
stations: 12
set 1: 45” work 15” rest
set 2: 20” work 10” rest
set 3: 45” work 15” rest
set 4: 20” work 10” rest
- battle ropes power slams
- balance trainer squat pulse
- 5 double foot mountain climbers + 2 push ups
- ski erg standing
- cones triangle run hips stay square
- sandbag clean + burpee
- ladder single leg in high knee
- dumbbell speed sumo squat + bicep curl
- 1 x inchworm + 2 x sprawl
- rowing machine
- agility box lateral run with tap
- single dumbbell clean + push press
Thursday 24.08.2023: Red Diamond
resistance workout.
pods: 3 (3 stations per pod)
sets: 4
laps: 1
stations: 9
set 1: 45” work 15” rest.
set 2: 40” work 20” rest.
set 3: 35” work 25” rest.
set 4: 30” work 30” rest.
- sandbag bench hip thrusts pause
- kettlebell sumo deadlift pause
- dumbbell step trainer reverse lunge
- suspension trainer hamstring tucks
- deadball staggered squat pause
- dumbbell box alternate leg step ups
- olympic barbell plate deficit romanian deadlift
- barbell front squat pulse
- revo zercher curtsey squat
Friday 25.08.2023: The Nines
pods: 1
sets: 2
laps: 2
stations: 9
set 1: 45” work 15” rest
set 1: 45” work 20” rest
members will aim to complete 9 reps of the primary exercise. if there is time remaining, members will aim to complete 9 reps of the secondary exercise.
1.1. kettlebell swing
1.2. speed sprawls
2.1. olympic barbell romanian deadlift
2.2. olympic barbell burpee jump over bar
3.1. revo shoulder press
3.2. revo squat press
4.1. balance trainer crunch
4.2. balance trainer reverse burpees
5.1. dumbbell single racked forward lunge
5.2. dumbbell single alternating snatch
6.1. suspension trainer neutral grip row
6.2. suspension trainer jump squat
7.1. ybell push up
7.2. ybell double hammer curl centre grip
8.1. dumbbell single sumo goblet squat
8.2. dumbbell single softbox step over
9.1. ski erg standing
9.2. lateral shoot throughs
Saturday 26.08.2023: Track
partner hybrid workout.
pods: 1
sets: 1
laps: 2.
stations: 18
lap 1: 90” work 10” rest
lap 2: 60” work 10” rest
members will work in a YGIG format by alternating every 15” during the working sets or completing 5 reps each one partner at a time.
- dumbbell goblet squat ygig
- revo single push press partner at extension ygig
- dumbbell floor press ygig
- kettlebell swing ygig
- plank feet twist ygig
- ski erg & burpee combo
- suspension trainer wide grip row ygig
- softbox jump alternating ygig
- ybell double sumo squat + bicep curl ygig
- deadball combos (5 slams + seal jacks)
- fast feet sprawl ygig
- plate overhead lunge ygig
- bike erg & squat jump combo
- barbell romanian deadlift ygig
- dumbbell renegade row ygig
- 5 x static lunge partner holds isometric lunge ygig
- pushup ygig
- shuttle sprint partnered
Sunday 27.08.2023: Mkats
resistance workout
pods: 1
sets: 3
laps: 2
stations: 9
set 1: 35” work 10” rest
set 2: 20” work 10” rest
set 3: 20” work 20” rest
2’ of core focused bodyweight reel at the end of the workout.
- barbell bent over wide grip row
- dumbbell box bulgarian squat
- dumbbell flat bench alternate chest press
- deadball activation band soft box hip thruster
- kettlebell racked staggered squat
- chin up underhand grip
- swiss ball push up
- revo double single leg deadlift
- plate squat + chest press