Intel 18th to 24th September 2023
Monday 18.09.2023: Mont Blanc
Hybrid workout.
Pods: 1
Sets: 2
Laps: 2
Stations: 9
Timing: 40” work 20” rest
Battle ropes sprint ladder 10-20-30
Agility box half court squats
Deadball over shoulder throw heavy
Slides 10 x mountain climber 6 x shoulder touch
Bench hop
Dumbbell single alternating clean + forward lunge
Soft box hand release burpee box jump over
Dumbbell goblet squats
Ski erg standing
Tuesday 19.09.2023: Double Down
Resistance workout.
Pods: 3
Sets: 3
Stations: 12 (8 combo stations, 4 regular stations)
Pod 1&3: 40” work 20” rest. 3 combo sets at each station with 1 lap through each pod.
Lap 2: 40” work 20” rest. 3 sets at each station with 1 lap through the pod.
Plate glute bridge 1.5 rep
Deadball alternate staggered goodmorning
Dumbbell hammer curls alternating
Revo bicep curl
Olympic barbell sumo deadlifts
Kettlebell racked sumo squat
Dumbbell flat bench press
Dumbbell kneeling press
Sandbag box shouldered reverse lunge to step up
Ybell double pick up centre grip
Barbell bent over row overhand grip
Power band seated wide grip row pause
Wednesday 20.09.2023: Triple Double
Cardio workout.
Pods: 1
Sets: 3
Laps: 2
Stations: 9
Timing: 30” work 10” rest
Bike hover
5 x sprawl + 2 x seal jack
5 x deadball slam + 2 x tuck jump
Sled push sprint
Medicine ball lunge jump
Dumbbell sprawl + unilateral power pull burpee
Soft box 90 degrees jump
10 x russian twists + 10 x mountain climbers
Sandbag drag fast feet sprawl
Thursday 21.09.2023: Deuces
Resistance workout.
Members get to choose if they want to do the upper body pod or the lower body pod.
Pods: 2, but you only get to do one.
Laps: 2.
Sets: 2 at each station.
Stations: 7
Lap 1: 40” stimulus specific work followed by 20” of full range work 20” rest
Lap 2: 30” stimulus specific work followed by 15” of full range work 15” rest
Upper Body:
1.1. Dumbbell decline floor press tempo 4-0-1
1.2. Dumbbell decline floor press
2.1. Kettlebell box bent over row tempo 4-0-1
2.2. Kettlebell box bent over row
3.1. Revo lying tricep extension tempo 4-0-1
3.2. Revo lying tricep extension
4.1. Barbell bicep curl tempo 4-0-1
4.2. Barbell bicep curl
5.1. Dumbbell upright row close tempo 4-0-1
5.2. Dumbbell upright row close
6.1. Push up tempo
6.2. Push up
7.1. Power band standing face pull tempo
7.2. Power band standing face pull
Lower body:
1.1. Dumbbell front squats tempo 4-0-1
1.2. Dumbbell front squats
2.1. Sandbag bench hip thrusts tempo
2.2. Sandbag bench hip thrusts
3.1. Ybell curtsey squat tempo
3.2. Ybell curtsey squat
4.1. Olympic barbell plate deficit romanian deadlift tempo
4.2. Olympic barbell plate deficit romanian deadlift
5.1. Plate lateral lunges tempo
5.2. Plate lateral lunges
6.1. Step trainer calf raises tempo 4-0-1
6.2. Step trainer calf raises
7.1. Deadball unilateral static lunge tempo 4-0-1
7.2. Deadball unilateral static lunge
Friday 22.09.2023: Loyals
Hybrid workout.
Pods: 6. 3 stations per POD (A, B & C).
Sets: 1
Laps: 4 per POD
Stations: 18.
Lap 1: 30” work 10” rest
Lap 2, 3 & 4: 20” work 10” rest
Plate back squat
Plate backloaded reverse lunges
Plate bent over row
5 x squat pulse + 2 x reverse lunge
5 x sprawls + 2 x alternate knees
5 x ice skater + 2 burpee
Dumbbell single alternating snatch
Dumbbell single alternating clean squat + press
Dumbbell single push press (side grip)
Bicycle ab crunch
Ab crunch and twist
Russian twists
Ybell burpee deadlift
Ybell push up + single knee drive
Ybell floor press pronated grip
Frog squats
Lateral shoot throughs
Saturday 23.09.2023: High Rise
Hybrid workout.
Pods: 3
Stations: 18 (A, B & C at pod 2)
Pods 1 & 3: 40” work 15” rest. 1 set at each station. 3 laps through the POD.
Pod 2: 8 minutes work - 30” change - 8 minutes work. Members have 8 minutes to focus on the A, B & C tri-set. Rep targets will be shown on screen and members move between the A, B & C stations at their own pace. There is a 30” rest in between stations 7 & 8.
Soft box jump + squat
Ybell double push press centre grip
Bike erg standing
Slides burpee
Deadball leg raises
Barbell Romanian deadlift high pull
7A. Chin ups underhand grip
7B. Push ups
7C. Dumbbell bicep curl
8A. Dumbbell alternating reverse lunges
8B. Dumbbell heel elevated squat
8C. Plate calf raises
Deadball combo row and burpee
Agility box half court power jumps
Ski erg explosive
10 x Wide mountain climber + 2 x frog squat
Kettlebell swings 5 each side
Sunday 24.09.2023: Romans
Resistance workout
Pods: 2
Sets: 2
Laps: 2
Stations: 9
Timing: 35” work 25” rest.
Barbell wide grip romanian deadlift
Dumbbell incline bench press 2 sec pause
Sandbag duck walk
Kettlebell box bent over arc row
Dumbbell single v sit press
Plate overhead walking lunge
Barbell romanian deadlift + underhand grip row
Deadball softbox step ups
Dumbbell plank cross body pick up