Intel 23rd to 29th October 2023

I’m very sad to inform you guys that this is my last Intel. My f45 studio has decided to close their doors. Love this community and will be so much missed 😢 💔.

Monday 23.10.2023: Athletica

Cardio workout.

Pods: 3

Sets: 4 at your station

Laps: 2 through your POD.

Stations: 9 (3 per POD)

Timing: 20” work 10” rest

  1. Ybell burpee deadlift

  2. Moving plank

  3. Dynamic soft box cross over

  4. Bike erg seated

  5. Medicine ball knee a step + shuffle

  6. Shuttle sprint with lateral jumps

  7. Ski erg standing

  8. Plate snatch

  9. Skipping high knee

Tuesday 24.10.2023: Tokyo Disco

Resistance workout.

Pods: 2

Sets: 3

Laps: 1 through your POD.

Stations: 12

Timing: 35” work 25” rest

  1. Balance trainer dumbbell chest press neutral grip

  2. Power band seated wide grip row pause

  3. Barbell shoulder press

  4. Dumbbell incline bench prone fly

  5. Revo wide grip bicep curl

  6. Suspension trainer wide grip rows

  7. Ybell double alternate front rack reverse lunge centre grip

  8. Kettlebell single romanian deadlift + pulse

  9. Kettlebell rack squat

  10. Plate calf raises tempo

  11. Deadball softbox step ups

  12. Olympic barbell sumo deadlifts

Wednesday 25.10.2023: Varsity

Cardio workout.

Pods: 1

Laps: 3

Stations: 9


Lap 1: 20” work 10” rest 3 sets.

Lap 2: 40” work 20” rest 1 set.

Lap 3: 60” work 30” rest 1 set.

  1. 1 x jump squat + 1 x burpee pyramid up
    1. Dumbbell punches 4 x high + 4 x straight
    2. Agility ladder jump in jump out
    3. Kettlebell swing
    4. Rowing machine
    5. Ybell double thrusters (center grip)
    6. 10 x bicycle kicks + 2 x russian twist
    7. Lateral box jump small box only
    8. Deadball pick up cones shuffle

Thursday 26.10.2023: Titans

Resistance workout.

Pods: 3

Laps: 1 through your POD.

Sets: 4

Stations: 9 (3 per POD).

Timing: 35” work 25” rest

  1. Balance trainer dumbbell chest fly
  2. Barbell bent over row overhand grip
  3. Plate leg raise + reach
  4. Chin up underhand grip
  5. Dumbbell swiss ball chest press
  6. Soft box tricep dips
  7. Dumbbell front raise + lateral raise
  8. Ybell double tricep push up + double row top grip
  9. Barbell bicep curl + shoulder press

Friday 27.10.2023: Miami Nights

Hybrid workout.

Pods: 3

Laps: 3 through your POD.

Sets: 1

Stations: 12

Timing: 40” work 20” rest

  1. Deadball ground to shoulder & reverse lunge

  2. 10 x plate russian twist + 10 x plate situps

  3. Barbell push press

  4. Kettlebell double clean

  5. Suspension trainer alternate grip pull

  6. Dumbbell bench close grip tricep press

  7. Barbell romanian deadlift

  8. Dumbbell front squats

  9. Squat jack

  10. Lateral fast feet + ground touch

  11. 10 x lateral shoot throughs + 2 x explosive push ups

  12. Lunge jump + burpee

Saturday 28.10.2023: SoCal

Hybrid workout.

Pods: 2

Laps: 3 through your POD.

Sets: 1

Stations: 12


Lap 1: 60” work 30” rest

Lap 2: 40” work 20” rest

Lap 3: 20” work 10” rest

  • 4 round of 3 x bodyweight exercise at the end of each pod with timing 30-30-30 / 10 rest; 20-20-20 / 10 rest, 20-20-20 / 10 rest, 20-20-20 / 10 rest.
  1. Battle ropes 10 x squat 10 x standing
    1. Dumbbell single step trainer reverse lunge
    2. Rowing machine
    3. Cones lateral jumps wide receiver
    4. Kettlebell double clean + press
    5. Soft box explosive incline push ups
    6. Ski erg butterfly standing
    7. Revo push press
    8. Barbell bent over wide grip row
    9. 10 x high knees + 2 x lateral shoot through
    10. 5 x deadball ground to overhead + 2 x sprawl (no slam)
    11. Dumbbell plank cross body pick up

Sunday 29.10.2023: Panthers

Resistance workout.

Pods: 1

Laps: 1

Sets: 3

Stations: 14

Timing: 35” work 20” rest

  1. Ybell double racked alternate reverse lunges

  2. Olympic barbell power clean

  3. Chin up overhand grip pause

  4. Push up + single arm raise

  5. Dumbbell sumo deadlift tempo 4-0-1

  6. Kettlebell suitcase squat heel raised

  7. Dumbbell box seated tricep extension

  8. Dumbbell bench arnold press

  9. Kettlebell single bent row into explosive high pull

  10. Revo front raise

  11. Sandbag lateral lunge

  12. Plate jackknives

  13. Barbell romanian deadlift staggered

  14. Plate front to lateral raise