First 72 hour fast, would appreciate some support to get over the 48 hr hump :)

Hey all, this is the first time I’ve tried to go beyond 36s and it would be lovely to have some support! I want to at least get to 60 hrs if not the full three days. This has been an extension of my ongoing desire to keep my autoimmune conditions at bay, alongside medication and diet changes. Hoping to hit some deep autophagy and some good HGH. If this goes well I will want to try a five day fast in a few months. I don’t need to fast a lot for weight loss at 5’4 135 lbs (female) I’ll definitely do an update in the comments over tomorrow - I’ve heard fasting is the hardest the first 48 hrs, so I’m not expecting tomorrow to be easy. Thanks for helping me stay committed :)

Hey all, this is the first time I’ve tried to go beyond 36s and it would be lovely to have some support! I want to at least get to 60 hrs if not the full three days. This has been an extension of my ongoing desire to keep my autoimmune conditions at bay, alongside medication and diet changes. Hoping to hit some deep autophagy and some good HGH. If this goes well I will want to try a five day fast in a few months. I don’t need to fast a lot for weight loss at 5’4 135 lbs (female) I’ll definitely do an update in the comments over tomorrow - I’ve heard fasting is the hardest the first 48 hrs, so I’m not expecting tomorrow to be easy. Thanks for helping me stay committed :)