Forced Relocations - the next trick up their sleeves
First, they chopped down the probationary employees, the most vulnerable, and with the least protections. The kids fresh out of college, or the people who left careers and businesses to pivot into what once was always held to be, not well paying, nor glamorous, but STABLE.
Simultaneously, they’ve shoved their Orwellian Monday email scam down our throats, everyone knowing damn well that anything and everything we say or do, will be fed into their algorithm, as they plan to turn everyone into a simply number on a spreadsheet.
It’s the wee hours of the morning, and I can’t sleep, but their next move will be the worst yet.
Not RIFs, but forced geographical relocations.
Prior to the deep cuts of the RIFs, they’ll go after those business units and teams that have folks spread across the country. The specialized units with a manager sitting in one state, and employees from sea to shining sea.
Why? Because this enables them to put people to the screws. To say, we are moving you across the country, across time zones, thousands of miles away from any family or friends. They can now circumvent normalcy to an even greater extent. Those with 20, 25, 30 years of tenure, are they going to, for example, uproot from Newark, Portland, or Austin, to some location likely chosen to reward some donor? All the while, just for an impending RIF to blow up the team and workforce anyway.
I’ve tried to keep my spirits up. To remain calm, keep positive, cling to healthy habits. Alas, considering the canned responses, if that, from my congressional leaders, I don’t think I can do so much longer.
Brace for impact, there’s no backup on the way to help us.