Spineless SES leaders in VHA

Our interim leader in VISN 22 trying to spin this off as a great way to boast to E-lon's AI about the work we do. How about no - we don't need to justify the work we do everyday to serve our veterans....

"By now you’ve probably received another email from the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requesting us to reply with about 5 bullet points outlining what you accomplished this week.  According to the email, this is something we’ll be asked to do weekly unless VA leadership directs otherwise. 

We have the COS email from last week stating that this request is valid.  At this time no other guidance has been received  from the Department.  

Like last week, OPM has set a deadline of Monday (March 3) at 8:59pm Pacific time.  In a response you should copy your supervisor. Please do not share any sensitive, classified, or privacy protected information and do not include attachments. 

Please see this as another chance to talk about what you did as part of our mission to serve Veterans.  Remember — it takes all of us to make the VA work — and work well — we do so to honor the mission we uphold every day.

Be proud of your role.

Thank you for all you do."