I lost it today — can’t stop crying
I have 15 years in as a fed. Love my job, love my agency, and today I just broke. I had to take the afternoon off because I couldn't stop crying and ended up with a migraine. It's so mean. It's all just so mean and horrible. Yes, I'm still employed, and SO grateful for that. But every day o wake up wondering if today will be the day I get fired. And every day I see dedicated, wonderful federal colleagues get let go only because of one man's ego. This is trauma. I want it to stop. Now I'm crying again. Sorry for the pointless post, but I know some of you are in the same boat. I see you and I appreciate you.
EDITED TO SAY: I can't respond to every comment, but I freaking LOVE you people. I watched bad TV last night, got a good sleep, and feel much better today. Mostly because of the incredible camaraderie here. My fellow feds and our supporters--you are the heroes! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️