Why I'm here (Jesse, this is for you)

I've been following Francesca (and along with her also Jesse) on and off since her days on "Too hot to handle". Sometimes I liked the things she stood for, sometimes not so much, but I never really cared that much. From what I had seen (which wasn't a lot), Jesse always seemed to me like a really level-headed guy with a good set of values, a kind heart and a sort of soothing demeanor (which I thought was a good fit for Francesca). Well, that is until he changed (?) or until I saw past the surface.

I started following their Snapchat stories more frequently when the due date of the twins was approaching and when they were in the midst of putting the "finishing touches" on their new home (because I had just had a baby myself and I have a thing for home renos / interior design and had moved a couple of months prior to the birth of my child myself).

The first thing that started to irk me was them constantly saying how much work they had left to do before the birth of their kids, how Jesse had worked all day without even making breaks to eat, how he hadn't slept in days and so on. But all I saw was them constantly laying in bed at any given time of the day, watching TV, ordering food and hiring people to do their work for them. I checked their Instas but no one seemed to notice the same thing, and I was like, wait, I can't be the only one who thinks that they are always over-dramatizing?

Then the whole saga with the forced 11/11 birth date happened, and subsequently Jesse's post announcing the birth of the twins which was full of lies from top to bottom. That's when I found this Reddit sub (I didn't even care about the questionable names). While looking for a place where people voiced the same irritation that I had about their narrative (because there was not one single criticizing comment on Instagram), I found other Reddit threads that revealed dubious things about Jesse.

That's how I landed here.

Jesse, you say you lead the life you always dreamed of, and you seem to expect people to applaud you for that. You sell this fantasy of the perfect diverse family life online -- with a beautiful wife, three kids and a nice home in a wealthy neighborhood. And you do everything in your power to have people from the outside perceive it that way. It's insane how much you cling onto this whole facade that you feel the need to monitor your Instagram comments 24/7 so you can delete any negative comments and block people who don't kiss your ass. It seems to me that you're extremely angry that people have created a platform where your cloud-castle evaporates into thin air and the non-delusional followers get to voice their concern and irritation, and you try to prevent that from happening at all costs.

People don't come here to bully or harm your children. People come here because they see past the bullshit and don't want you to take them for fools who fall for all of your crap. And because they wholeheartedly want you to do better for the sake of your children.

You nip every single criticism in the bud because, let's be honest, you can't take it if it's about your personal choices and decisions. Nobody on here is criticizing you for who you are and for the things that you did not choose or for things where you are not in the wrong because you're just trying to be you. But people are rightfully criticizing a few things that you choose to do a certain way even though you have all the resources to do better and a plethora of people who are trying to give you well-intentioned advice. People are holding up a mirror in front of you, and you refuse to look into it. It was your decision to have twins and to spend the months leading up to the birth vacationing and baby-mooning instead of maybe better preparing for the newborn stage. It was your decision to cancel a parenting class just because it was scheduled "early" in the morning and inconvenient for you to attend. It is your decision to hold up your babies without caring about their heads flapping from side to side, and at this point consciously causing them harm. It is your decision to post all of that on social media. It is your decision to put Arlo and/or their "essence" in your videos even though they're obviously not comfortable with it and have said so many times for us all to hear. The list goes on and on.

You're always quick to call others out on their wrongdoings and expose them for everyone to see, but you hate when people suggest things that you could work on even in the kindest way possible. You need to control and dictate people's opinions about you because you are not capable of reflecting your own behaviour. It's funny how you are never wrong, always know better and very cockily act like you are above everyone else.

And in regards to the "bullying/harming" of your kids: How is it weird to you that people have opinions about things? That's just how society is. If you disclose something about yourself or your family, there's always gonna be people that will viciously hate on it (but again, that's not what's happening here). If you share pictures/videos of your kids, YOU open up a platform for strangers to judge them (and again, no one on here has ever said anything negative about the babies or Arlo, to the contrary). If you don't want that, it is YOUR OBLIGATION as a parent to not put them in harm's way. Just don't post them as long as they're not able to advocate for themselves, and respect their wishes as soon as they are, and no one will even have a base to say anything.