Jesse’s Way Too Comfortable
… with Frans “wealth.” Did anyone else find it funny how yesterday when Franny was doing her get ready with me makeup routine you could hear Jesse in the background saying I think I’m just gonna re-buy my Prada pair of sunglasses? Franny was like oh my God no we’ve already bought two pairs and now we’re rebuying the third pair again we need to actually look for them instead of just buying new ones. First off, if that was Francesca who had lost her sunglasses for the fourth time she would’ve instantly just bought another pair for herself, but since it’s Jesse who lost them (and surely Franny’s the one paying for them) she’s like no you need to actually look for them and kind of put her foot down with him over it. It’s just ironic to me how he constantly plays the “I was a single parent, who was broke and had to raise a baby all by myself” card for sympathy on social media, but now you’re buying back to back to back to back $500+ sunglasses like it’s absolutely nothing? He is waaayyy too comfortable with Fran’s $$$ and you could tell it ticked her off in her videos. Shit is going to hit the fan there soon.