Maternal instincts- Rant

Im 23 and I have a 6m old and I had to quit watching her snaps because there is NO WAY she does not have any maternal instincts. As a new parent you learn your kid from their schedules to their cries and their potty routine EVERYTHING. At this point im thinking she HAS to be using this as rage bait right?!?! Like no way she is so naive to HER OWN BABIES. It’s absolutely baffling to me at this point. My baby was hard in the first month. Like so hard I had to excuse myself before I hurt my baby type of hard. But I eventually learned them. And at 4 MONTHS babies start to engage more on their own so they can actually entertain themselves for a little. I find it crazy that she has all these resources and still can’t figure out her babies?! CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY

Also her caring SOOOOO much about wanting a “clean” formula but then thinking about doing the knock out bottles 😵‍💫 get a grip Franny girl