L21B SFT40/3V8A vs L21B SFT70/6V8A
Today I compare the L21B/SFT40/3V8A vs the L21B/ SFT70/6V8A. Was curious to find out what the difference would be and unsurprisingly, the L21B/SFT40 is able to achieve a significantly higher candela coming at 465,200cd or 1,363 meters of throw vs the L21B/SFT70 coming at 356,680 or 1,194 meters of throw. Both emitters are 6500K and both were tested using the Molicel P45B (45A).
If you look at the first picture, the SFT40 has a tighter beam with less spill, which results in the higher candela. You'll also notice this in the other 3 pictures.
I also tried using the Molicel M50A, which supposedly had a discharge rate of 15A, which I only tested with the SFT40 and to my surprise, it came a little shorter at 408,400cd vs the 465,200cd with the P45B.
I didn't compare Turbo runtime or temperature on each so can't report on that but plan on doing it later.