Ghostbusters II
Always felt the second was a great, underappreciated sequel to an all-time classic like the original and was surprised at the hatred for it when I first used the internet many years back. I find it just as entertaining, quotable and creative as the first film, only lacking the novelty and freshness of the first. At times it's arguably darker and scarier, with moments like the impaled heads on the pikes and other moments like the slime in the bathtub, and Vigo was no doubt a major childhood boogeyman for many kids back then. You've got the main cast all back, lots of cool songs and some of the most iconic setpieces of the series. The courtroom sequence is a classic and the discovery of the river of slime has always stayed with me.
An all-around great sequel. I find the original two 80s Ghostbusters films have stood the test of time remarkably well. Hard to imagine Ghostbusters without also thinking of the second.