Can’t scroll up? Problem solved
Tldr: disable text-to-speech in settings.
Ever since the december update, nearly 6 weeks I haven't been able to scroll up in the pipboy or any game menus using the d-pad. I could still use the joystick which by comparisson is painfully slow, particularly when viewing a long list, so I have juat been scrolling down to cycle theough to the top of all menus in order to go up. This however doesn't work in the build menu, and some of those lists are pretty damn long too, so I had to manually click up through every item.
I never asked about it because I assumed everyone was also experiencing this "bug". Well today I noticed I still had text-to-speech option turned on as the transluscent box caught my eye and I decided I'm never going to need it, so I turned it off. And now I can scroll up again 😑... After the first week I just got used to the box and I kinda forgot about it until now.
Anyway, hopefully I can help someone else who can't scroll up for some strange reason.