I am become death

I’m so so confused.

I’ve finally unlocked the quest to launch a nuke 🚀 I’ve just got two options left to complete for the quest

•Launch a nuke from any silo [decrypted launch code required] •(Optional) Nuke fissure sit prime [8+ players recommend]

Now I’ve done everything else except decrypt the codes and I’ve watched loaded of vids on YouTube but I’m left clueless…

I see that on other videos people’s code pieces have a letter and number next to them but mine don’t and I’m not sure how to get them to do this so I can do the weird reverse alphabet whiteboard thing.

I’ve got 8 Site Charlie code pieces cause I think I need 8.

I previously had about 3 in my inventory from finding the guys around the map on accident so I only got 5 when I started the mission the other day. Is this where I went wrong? As the ones I have previously didn’t have the little symbol next to them unlike the few I collected during the quest. Who knows. Not me.

All advice is welcome 🤗