Foster has been adopted

Smore came to me with her 8 babies she gave birth under a shed and was living outside full time and the nights were getting cold in the Midwest. This girl has been the light of the holiday season for me. Her confidence and joy is incredible and her desire to please has made her the easiest foster I’ve had. Best dog I’ve ever bathed, walks on a leash like a dream, perfect in the car, joined in seamlessly to our off leash trail walks. She is the only dog I’ve wrestled with foster failing but I know if I do that I have no more room to foster in the future.

She met her forever family today and they fell in love as quickly as I did. She’s going to have a German Shepard sister and a human brother who, when getting in the car to go home said to his parents, That’s the one.

It’s always hard to give up my fosters but never has it felt like this. I couldn’t have picked a better family for her! But I’m so miserable thinking about tomorrows handoff. My heart feels so much joy and sadness. What a gift fostering can be but what heartbreak it can also bring.