Guess I'm an alt now
I don't even know why I'm trying to reason with the unreasonable here, I lost an Ironhide at deadlands, it was captured I made a post saying I wasn't a fan of the captured stat and wished it was removed, because you know.
We can't track travelling distance in trucks or vehicles, we can't track level progression, we can't track rank progression, we can't check peoples time spent in game (unless they screenshot it) Funny we can't even track the vehicles we steal from the enemy?
I removed my old post because It was clearly too vague and honestly I was a bit upset that it was mega downvoted and clowned by some people, here is my stats and playtime I'm not an alt check my old foxhole posts. I'm a warden loyalist. I'm not a super natural at this game but I happily play it and have fun.
I hope for some sympathy? Like I just wanted to express how frustrating it is to lose a vehicle, then have it on record. Because yeah it was definitely a skill issue I just wished there was other stats to kind of counter it? Like "Enemy vehicles captured by you" or whatever wording. Because I have captured vehicles this war at latch.
More of the issue is when people make assumptions that your an alt. To be honest I haven't had this issue in game a lot besides some high horses from bigger regiments that can never do wrong xD
(because if you play foxhole slightly casually your an alt!!!)
But getting some people reaching at me for being an alt did make me very upset, I won't try pretend it didn't its the whole reason I'm writing this and labelling it as "drama" when in reality I should probably just not think about it. I don't get this hassle in game I think a lot of people share the same opinion with it be nice to have the mentioned stats from earlier, if we are to keep the vehicles stolen by enemies.
Anyway I'm not trying to be everyone's enemy here I'm down to be corrected and enlightened I just don't like being mocked for just having an opinion on something.