I Stand
After Donald's address to Congress today on March 4th, I have some thoughts...
In this time, I am an American and I stand.
I stand with Al Green.
I stand with Ukraine.
I stand with Palestine.
I stand with Canada, and Mexico, and our long established alliances around the world.
I stand with trans people.
I stand with veterans.
I stand with the homeless.
I stand with the sick and the hungry at home and abroad.
I stand with working people.
I stand with women.
I stand with men.
I stand with farmers.
I stand with engineers.
I stand with scientists.
I stand with the trees, and the integrity of our environment from the rocks to the bees.
I stand with the poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
I stand with everyone fighting the swift currents of our society.
I stand with every American that believes in freedom and prosperity.
And I stand for the constitution.
I stand for a country governed by our duly elected representatives and not one ruled by executive decree, or the unfettered influence of money. One that is focused on compassion, happiness, and our collective success and security.
I stand for liberty and justice for all.
Where do you stand?
Or have you chosen not to heed the call?
[ Feel free to use, reproduce, or adapt in any way. And speak freely so everyone with open ears can hear you. ]