"Libertarian" Definition

What is the definition of Libertarian Free Will?

From where I stand and from what I can tell, the term "libertarian free will" is to claim self-origination outrightly, yet somehow this is supposedly absurd, according to many self-proclaimed "libertarian free willers". However, all logic reduces it to a claim of being something that exists completely, freely, and independently from all circumstantial and antecedent influence of any kind, and the absolute free ability to do otherwise.

If not, the term "libertarian" holds no significance. It can just be called "free will", or perhaps more accurately, simply "will", in which freedoms are relative to certain positions.

If you admit that yours and others actions are at least perpetually influneced by infinite antecedent causes and infinite circumstantial coarising factors, then at best, you're a "compatibilist."

So for those who self-identify as "libertarian" or "libertarian free will", or those who have any insight on the definition that is being utilized by those who do so, what is the definition of "libertarian free will"?