I'm sick of my friendgroup because they destroyed my 18th birthday party. Am I being childish?
In my friendgroup we're around 8 to 9 people. We usually get along well & enjoy each other's company but lately I feel really hurt and I feel like they don't truly care about me. This was the second time I hosted a party and they completely failed. You only turn 18 once, so I was looking forward to it for weeks. I just wanted it to be a memorable night for my friends. Nothing special really, just a fun night where everyone goes home the next morning thinking they had a good time. that's all I wanted.
The opposite happened: 3 of them didn't come at all (which wasn't their fault) but still, we ended up being 6 people. And almost all of them were soo unmotivated and bored, not only at the party, but also the days before. They kept complaining why we wouldn't postpone it to some other week, all the time.
For the party, I prepared a crime dinner. Around 4pm (the party started at 6) two of them started texting in our groupchat how they haven't even looked into their character books yet because they're "lazy to do so". Later, at the party, things were just weird. It seemed like nobody wanted to be there & that everyone had put up a fake attitude, which I could tell. After the crime dinner, we just sat around, nobody wanted to drink anything (we always(!!!) drink at parties and alot) so I was kind of getting drunk on my own on my 18th birthday party :) At one point I stopped too because I felt like the most pathetic person
Nobody took a single picture, even though I had prepared a photo lounge. I should point out that we always take TONS of pictures, and then send each other everything the day after. But nobody took a single picture of me, with me, or themselves. That's one of the things that makes me the sadest.
But it gets worse. Around midnight, we ended being two people. Me, and my closest friend from the whole group. (At this point the only person I truly trust) The rest had left. I knew that two of them had to leave early, but two others just stood up and said "I'll drive with xy" without any explanation. They just didn't wanna be there. My friend that had stayed tried to cheer me up 'cause she probably saw that it affected me a little, but it didn't quite work because we were both in such a bad mood.
I'm not obsessed with gifts, I couldn't care less about them. But one girl told me she "couldn't finish it up" and therefore didn't have anything. I said it's totally fine since I really did not care, but the whole thing was a lie because now, three weeks later she still hasn't given me anything. That was the peak of the iceberg. She lied straight into my face.
All in all, every memory I have for that evening is sad and depressing. The lies, the lack of motivation from everyone, and the leaving me & that girl alone at midnight. They knew how much this evening meant to me, and yet they didn’t bother about having the least bit of enthusiasm.
In case this whole thing comes off as childish, that's okay. It's what I feel and I can't change it. I would just like to know what others think of this, and if I'm the problem instead.