Any alternative methods of getting testosterone?

Before I get into it, I'm not asking for anything illegal.

I've been on T for more than 5 years and I had to change insurance/doctors a couple months ago. I tried refilling my prescription with a new doctor back in october who put the info in wrong, and to spare you all of the hefty amount of details, I've been constantly going back and forth calling the doctor and the pharmacy trying to get my prescription fixed, and the doctor keeps ignoring it. I've gone as far as to make new appointments with different doctors to get it fixed, only to have the doctor forget more info, then having to make urgent care appointments over the phone to fix it, only for them to change the info back to the wrong thing, so now I'm back to square one. Now the soonest I can get a physical appointment isn't until February, which I would have to miss multiple doses until then.

I genuinely don't know what to do, I'm lowkey freaking out because I missed a dose in December of last year, and I found out I've been on too low of a dose after months of major health complications because of it. I developed fibromyalgia and got my period back, and I'm just now finally recovering and getting my life back together after getting on the proper dose. Now I have to outright quit testosterone cold turkey until February just because my doctors can't put in my prescription correctly? I can't imagine how much my physical and mental health are going to tank because of this. I really could use some advice because I genuinely don't know what else I can do, because I feel like I've been doing everything I can. Are there any other ways I can go about getting testosterone? I've always done intramuscular injections, but if I have to switch to a different method of taking it, I suppose I can if there's any way I can get it easier/faster. I don't know if it matters or helps anyone, but I live in California.

TL/DR: I need advice on alternative ways to get my testosterone as soon as possible; my doctors have been neglecting to put in the correct info on my prescription so I keep getting denied for pickup at the pharmacy