Infantilization of transmascs?
I can’t ever wrap my head around why people treat me like I’m a child when I talk about me being trans. Mind you I’m 19 and a grown man, and although I wish to be less hypermasculine, I most definitely as of right now am super hypermasculine, and when ever I talk about being trans to especially cis men they think it’s “cute” (ew within itself). I don’t know how to put it into text, but it’s like they talk to me like I’m a child and belittle me. I hate it because I don’t feel like it’s allyship I just feel like it’s condescending. A cis 19 year old man most definitely doesn’t get talk to like that by their peers, I don’t understand the difference.
Edit: I know my punctuation and or grammar sucked in this post and I’m sorry, I was really tired and upset when I wrote it😭